Al-SAQI Payment Gateway
With our payment gateway, your trading experience becomes easier and more secure. We combine innovation and security to provide a reliable and efficient solution for all your payment transactions. Discover with us a new concept for electronic transactions, where modern technology meets trust.
Al-saqi Side Line
Who We Are
Why Al-Saqi
Saqi utilizes modern and advanced payment systems, sparing no expense in developing its infrastructure. Saqi's partners enjoy modern, stable, and secure services and products that meet their needs for success. We value our partners and customers, making every effort to keep them satisfied. If we fall short or encounter any failures, we promptly address any deficiencies or issues. We advise against change solely for the sake of price, yet it's essential to note that Saqi's service rates are competitive. We don't exploit market fluctuations or increased demand for quick profits. And remember, we have no hidden fees!
Al-Saqi Credit Card
Our Cards
Al-Saqi Card
Saqi Card encompasses all the advantages offered by Visa, including ease of use, global acceptance, and high-security standards. Without the need for prior banking experience, the card uses both contact and contactless technologies, linked to a mobile app for financial transaction tracking. It can be used for global purchases and electronic payments, with millions of merchants and ATMs in over 200 countries. Saqi Card allows easy fund transfers between cards and electronic transactions via the mobile app. Customizable for individuals, merchants, and institutions, it offers discounts at partner stores and is rechargeable at Saqi branches or through authorized agents.
Al-Saqi Point of Sale (POS) is an advanced technology empowering merchants for efficient payment processing. It provides an easy and secure payment experience, supporting various electronic payment methods. Known for its speed and reliability, it's an ideal solution for streamlining business operations.
Our Cards

Contact Us

07729115115 Phone Number
Baghdad, Al-Karada, Watheq ST Address